About Us

Hello, I'm Kathy!
I'm a boy mom with a bow business!
I can explain...
In 2005, my older sister Kelly had her first baby girl. And she was BALD! As in she could be dressed in head-to-toe pink, but people would still call her a boy. That bald. Kelly was desperate to get her in a bow, but the NICU nurse in her hated the sad red mark left by headband bows. She developed a clip that actually stayed in Caroline’s barely-there hair, learned how to make a cute tiny bow, then made her one in every color… While pregnant with baby girl #2 Kelly was put on bedrest, and to pass the time started making bows for friends. This turned into making bows for friends of friends, then selling on eBay. She started her own website and Bitty Bows was born!
Over the course of the next decade, our family grew as Kelly & our oldest sister Jennifer were blessed with 5 girls (and one boy). Lots of fine-haired blondies and one little curlicued cutie. Living a couple blocks away from each other in the Bay Area, they went on to develop lines beyond hair bows that were functional for their active girls, yet feminine and cute.
In 2016 I was newly pregnant and working in corporate America, and Kelly wanted her garage back. We decided it was time to pass the bow-ton and let little sister take over the family business! She gave me a crash course on how to line a hair clip and make a bow (MUCH harder than it looked)… We packed up and moved cross-country to Lexington Kentucky, and built a bow studio in our home while I was in the hospital giving birth. To a boy!
Fast forward to today, I’m beyond blessed to get to put my own spin on a company that I’m so proud of my sister for building. Sadly little Henry doesn’t rock our products, but he loves that mommy can run the bow show from our family room. We spend our weeks slinging barrettes while singing our ABCs, he’s “helped” me ship clips to 20 different countries and all 50 states. Rudi aka Mr Bitty Bows helps with web stuff and the Frank the pomsky is always hunting hair clips for sport.
So while I adore my 3 dudes that help make up the Bitty Bows team, I have to live vicariously through all you girl mommas.. #sendpicturesplease Seriously please do, sometimes I give out bow dough. ---> email me We truly appreciate our loyal customers and hope your boutique shopping experience is the happiest!